Monday, December 21, 2009

Top Questions to ask Mobile Notary Services

Before you call a Notary service be sure your documents are legal. The only way to make sure your documents are legit is to have an attorney draw up your documents. Just because your documents get Notarized, does NOT mean they are up to par. The Notary is only acknowledging who you are, NOT that the documents are valid. This is an issue that comes up quite often with clients. It is very important to have an attorney prepare your documents and give you any legal advise you need. A Notary is NOT an attorney and can't give you legal advise of any kind. This is a common misconception.

After you have legal documents that are valid, you need to contact a trusted Notary Service. You want a service that will work on your terms. You are paying them to come to you, so you deserve to get exactly what you want. What is the Notary company charging you? How can you pay for your Notary expenses? Ask these questions.

Since we live in a day of E-commerce. Check out the website of the company that you are hiring. Are they official? Are they licensed and bonded? What type of E&O Insurance do they carry? A companies website is a reflection of their dedication to their business.

Price is always a factor. But service and experience should also play key factors. What if you pay less but don't get what you need? That means not only more money out of your pocket, but more of your time. And in this day and age we all know time is precious. Make sure to get things done right the first time with a professional, courteous and timely service. For more information please visit our website http// or call toll free 866.222.2995

1 comment:

  1. This is very much satisfied by the different info in this article. All the contents too good, can be very helpful for us. I love reading new post and I am always searching for helpful information like this. Mobile Notary
